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Embrace These 5 Mental Wellness Habits to Start the New Year Off Right

By November 23, 2021September 12th, 2022Personal Insurance
Blog - Coffee Cup, Pen, Plant, a Post-it Note with the Text New Year, and a Post-it Note with the Text New Goals on a Wooden Desk

Written by: Deb Hipp

“Many Americans couldn’t wait to say goodbye to last year. Even if this year maxed out your coping skills and ability to be optimistic, you can still start the new year right with a fresh set of mental wellness habits to keep you focused and positive.

Why is mental wellness so important? For starters, paying attention to your mental health and maintaining a positive outlook can lead to more fulfilling relationships. After all, when you feel good about yourself, you’re probably a lot nicer to others. That’s good for everybody’s emotional well-being!”