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Workplace Threats on the Rise: Understanding the Safety Concerns of Frontline Workers

By October 25, 2023Business Insurance
Employees fighting

A recent survey of 1,000 professionals across several major industries highlights an alarming employee experience trend. Frontline workers are facing increasing threats in their workplaces. The 2023 Verkada Workplace Safety Survey reveals some alarming statistics about their safety.

Key Findings:

  • Violence and Aggression: 60% of workers report violent, aggressive, and erratic behavior from customers and visitors as their primary distress source.
  • Healthcare Workers at Risk: 69% of healthcare workers are worried about aggressive behavior from patients or visitors.
  • Retail Workers’ Dual Concerns: In retail, 58% of workers are concerned about both aggressive customer behavior and theft.
  • Active Shooter Scenarios: Nearly half of frontline workers view active shooter situations as a significant threat, but only a third have received relevant training.

The Generational Divide

Younger workers, especially those from Gen Z, feel more vulnerable at work than their older counterparts. A concerning 42% of Gen Z workers believe that their workplace procedures prioritize inventory protection over the employees’ personal safety.

Employers’ Perception vs. Reality

There’s a clear disconnect between how safe leaders feel at work and the actual experiences of their employees. While 69% of leaders feel very safe, only 37% of workers agree. This perception gap has tangible repercussions:

43% of employers say workplace safety concerns have affected their hiring and retention efforts.

Promoting a Safer Working Environment

Both employers and employees play a crucial role in fostering a safe workplace. Here are some steps you can take:

For Employers:

  • Training Programs: Regularly conduct training sessions on workplace safety, including how to handle aggressive behavior and active shooter scenarios.
  • Open Communication: Encourage employees to voice their concerns and provide anonymous channels for reporting threats or incidents.
  • Security Measures: Invest in security infrastructure like surveillance cameras, alarm systems, and access controls.
  • Regular Safety Audits: Periodically assess and update safety protocols and measures based on the latest risks and threats.

For Employees:

  • Stay Informed: Participate in all safety training sessions and be aware of the protocols.
  • Report Concerns: Always report any suspicious activities or threats to the management.
  • Stay Calm: In tense situations, try to remain calm and avoid escalating the situation.
  • Collaborate: Work with colleagues to foster a culture of safety, looking out for one another and sharing best practices.

A Call to Action

The findings from the 2023 Verkada Workplace Safety Survey underscore the urgent need for employers to prioritize the safety of their frontline workers. As the world continues to change, creating a safe working environment is both a moral duty and a business necessity.

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